Tuesday, April 26, 2011

DIY Bride... How to Make Your Own Birdcage Veil

things you'll need:
1 yard white Russian netting or Tulle
White silk flower
White feathers
Hair comb
White thread
Sewing needle

Lay the Russian netting out on a flat work surface. Cut the netting into an 18-by-18-inch square.

Measure 10 inches from the top of the netting on both sides. Use the scissors to make a 6-inch diagonal incision from the 10-inch mark to the bottom of the netting. This should create a tapered look at the bottom of the netting.

Sew a running stitch through the bottom of the netting. Pull the thread taut so that the bottom of the netting is gathered together tightly.

Cut off the stem of the white silk flower. Use the glue to adhere the hair comb onto the bottom of the silk flower. Glue the white feathers onto the bottom of the silk flower next to the hair comb. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly before proceeding.

Sew the hair comb onto the Russian netting where the running stitch is gathered. Gently tug at the netting to ensure it is secured firmly to the hair comb.

Insert the hair comb into your hair on the left side of your head toward your crown. Pull the veil over your face

Read more: How to Make Your Own Birdcage Veil | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5879954_make-own-birdcage-veil.html#ixzz1KeplsDRR