Thursday, July 16, 2009

Raw food Goodness

Taste of Barbados 2007 was so busy for me that I was unable to attend a couple of events that I wished to, so, you can imagine the pleasure I derived from being able to attend one of them this time around. When Vici asked me which events I wished to cover for Select, I think she was mildly surprised at one of my selections, Orchid World was the location in 2007 of Chantel Selman’s “Raw Food” demonstration and this year the location was the equally beautiful Flower Forest.

So, we headed off to Flower Forest to join the World’s Press and, disappointingly, not too many locals, which I find amazing, not because of the location I believe and more to do with the “Raw” word, so, let’s try to de-mystify that element, I also think that the “Village Doctor” tag on the event does not sit well with this humble passionate Chef who doesn’t cook, either for this event or, where she plies her trade on a daily basis, Organic Earth in Pelican Village.

Everything that Chantel prepared, under the watchful gaze of her mother, Ermine, was outstanding and the setting was perfect, the session starting with a walk around the forest, identifying plants and flowers with either medicinal or food properties, or, in a lot of cases, both. We really have forgotten, not lost, I’m pleased to say the appreciation for what grows naturally and how to handle it to obtain the healthiest and tastiest result. So, I thought, here’s a great story, food that isn’t cooked, is healthy and tastes great; if you’re Japanese, no I’m not talking about Sushi. So, on a breezy afternoon I sat on the terrace at Organic Earth and had far too much fun, clearly eating and drinking should be an Olympic Sport….

To Cook or not To Cook?

I guess that if you talk about raw food, most persons would think that you were only talking about Sushi, for that is the most high profile use of “largely” raw food, however, even with Sushi, the rice is still cooked. Chantel Selman advocates the use of raw ingredients only and her team produces a stunning variety of food & drink that requires no cooking. Technically, applying heat to anything, or cooking by other methods, marinating or salting, for instance changes the molecular make-up of any food item and dramatically, in every case, changes the vitamin & mineral count.

With this in mind, Chantel wishes us to get back to basics and is dedicated to the use of regionally indigenous foods stating, at the very start of our interview, that we have “lost the value and uniqueness of the nutrients we get from the soil that we live on”.

Who is Chantel Selman?

I have to admit that, at the start of our conversation that I did not know what Chantel would call herself and, indeed, what drives her, I knew that she is an Iridologist and I know her as a Chef & Healer, however, how do those all tie in together? In answer Chantel slated these four titles, I have added explanations where necessary…

Iridologist - Iridology (also known as iridodiagnosis) is an alternative medicine technique, whose proponents believe that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into zones corresponding to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health.
Iridologists use the charts to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those which are overactive, inflamed, or distressed. Iridologists believe this information may be used to demonstrate a patient's susceptibility towards certain illnesses, to reflect past medical problems, or to predict health problems which may be developing.
As it is not a method of treatment but a diagnostic tool, its practitioners often study other branches of alternative medicine, such as naturopathy
Herbalist – A person that uses herbs and plants for economic, or healing benefits, irrespective of motive, or qualification. However, professional herbalists may have been trained to a specific standard, or may be affiliated to any number of national recognizing bodies.

Unlike most alternative, or crude medicines, Herbalists can study to Masters level and it is probably the most un-alternative of all the “alternative” medicines, relying, as it does, on the knowledge of traditional remedies

Raw Food Chef – There is not much I can add to this, it is exactly as it sounds, using food items in their raw state and releasing the naturally occurring vitamins & minerals.

I will leave it to Chantel, in her own words, to describe what she does, she refers to herself as someone who “paints with a different brush, different, cutting edge and the culinary future. Using food in its colourful gourmet state, combining gourmet, whole food & art”.

Reiki Master - Reiki , Reikiis a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui. After three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama, in Japan, Usui claimed to receive the ability of "healing without energy depletion". A portion of the practice, tenohira or palm healing, is used as a form of complementary and alternative medicine. Tenohira is a technique whereby practitioners believe they are moving "healing energy" (a form of ki) through the palms.

So, of course, I asked her which of them she would consider her favourite, I think that it is an unfair question, seeing as they are all clearly dear to her heart, however, after a long reflection she chose the Raw Food Chef element, however, I believe that it is her love of Herbalism that leads to the key, she has an outstanding knowledge of the vitamin and mineral structure of plants & food stuffs. Clearly the alternative healing elements involved in Reiki and Iridology complete the links.

When I asked her what drove her in further sudying all of these her answer was succinct and instantaneous, “to be preventative & pro-active in showing us how to look after ourselves naturally”.

It was hard to keep up with Chantel at stages with the soundbites, all delivered with a passion and drive that defines her as a specialist and a business woman at the same time, because, clearly, she needs to deliver what people require to stay in business, combining sound economic sense and common sense, these are three of many:

“I concentrate on food being your medicine”

“You cannot compare the qualities of modern day chicken & bread to the qualities of fresh fruit & vegetables”

“The fast food syndrome is certainly killing us”

The key to her success is the way that she reduces what is viewed by some people as science fiction, at best, to simple logic, as I sat and talked to her it became obvious that she is not a “quack” but someone who knows what is good for us and is commited to educating us about it. I asked her if she thought that she had taken a dramatic position, in terms of her standpoint, Raw Food instead of educating us on the worth of the ingredients and then cooking them, I stated that she had taken the extreme view and, unsurprisingly she agreed, she knows that her methods and views are considered by some to be cutting edge and she is not at all bothered, easy to say, however, her beliefs are so strong and her arguments so logical that she will make a difference.

Who are the persons that you respect most?

Chantel appreciates that she cannot do what she does, to a degree, without the support of the local farmers & producers and, amongst those she named was Marion Hart, who produces the Cassava Flour & Breadfruit Flour that she uses in her recipes. Mrs. Hart also has an irrepressible spirit, some call her antagonistic, I am not one of them and it did not surprise me at all that Chantel would find her a kindred spirit.

Clearly, Chantel needs some more specific nutritional information than most people and she listed David Rawlins, the nutritionist attached to the Black Rock Polyclinic as being of significant assistance in the development of her specialist skills, always being supportive and assisting, wherever possible, with information and advice.

When I asked her if there was any other specialist in any of her fields that she respected, more than any other, she singled out two professionals for their input and support.

Aris Latham – He is a “Live Food Chef” & Educator who taught her a lot of what she knows and understands with regard to Raw Food technology, he has been an educator for 30 years and is her educational inspiration, Aris is based in Jamaica, a country that uses more of it’s herbs and plants than probably any other in the region.

Edmund Sealy – Described by Chantel as an “inspirational realist” Edmund Sealy is a self-taught expert that, through his knowledge, gained mostly as a result of a life changing experience, is “Living the Dream”. At 75 years old he is also a practicing Chiropractor. Edmund practices in St. Vincent.

Ermine Selman – Chantel’s mother “has always been my harshest critic”, says Chantel and “grounds me and allows me to use my creativity and sustains the balance”

Ambrosia & Nectar

Having spoken to Chantel regarding her journey to here, it is now time to taste her hand…

The smells in the shop are outstanding, none of which is generated by any form of cooking, so, I asked Chantel to prepare a drink and one of her famous Chezcakes, note the name, my spell check just did, that is the correct spelling, as it contains no Cheese…

The drink that Chantel picked was named after the current tour of New Zealand by the Windies team, therefore named “Sobers Spirit”. Although Chantel decided not to give us the recipe, a decision I agree with (anyone know the seasoning that flavours of KFC), she did allow us to have the ingredient list, so, here, accompanied by the relevant photos are the ingredients for the two items.

Sobers Spirit

Golden Apples
Kiwi Fruit
Lemon Grass

If you decide to try it yourself then play with different spices as well…

Golden Apple Chezcake

Golden Apples
Coconut Jelly
Coconut Oil

Brazil Nut

Golden Apple
Apricot or Golden Raisin

Finally, in my discussion with Chantel and, after I tried to be the Devil’s Advocate regarding cooking or not, I asked her what is her ambition, her reply was again concise

“ I wish to have the best live food juice bar in the Caribbean, along with documenting and passing on the historic usage of our plants, fruits & vegetables”